General Handyman
If you’re looking for a handyman, you’ve come to the right place. Our Real Deal Pros of Jacks and Jills can handle most of your minor home repairs. For example, if your door isn’t closing properly, a handyman can come out and fix it for you. If your sink is leaking, they can come out and fix that too! Our handyman is a skilled man (or woman) who can perform various tasks around the house that don’t necessarily require a license. Anything around the house that just needs a small tweak or repair is the perfect type of task for a handyman near you.
How Real Deal Works
Pick a Date & Time
Just specify a few details, pick the date and time for your service and get instant, affordable pricing.
Manage Everything Online
Confirm your reservation check prices in our system re-schedule, re-book or cancel your service any time you like.
Help is on the way!
Rest, work, play, live…A fully-equipped Real Deal Pro will show up on time at your doorstep!

Lending a Helping Hand
Lending a Helping Hand
Save time and money!
Save time and money!
You’re busy and we get it. You don’t have time to spend Saturday mornings trying to find studs in your walls, or questioning whether you can trust the guy at the hardware store to give you good advice. That’s why it’s great to know, that Real Deal Home Services can lend you that helping hand. Whether you need urgent help for home repairs, or just a few odd jobs taken care of. Using Real Deal Home Services to book a handyman can help you save both time and money.
No tools? No Problem
No tools? No problem
Book a handyman with Real Deal Home Services, and you can be sure that they’ll arrive with everything they’ll need to get the job done. In addition to your run-of-the-mill screwdrivers and hammers, your handyman pro will read your job description before they arrive to ensure they come prepared for anything that your specific job may require. Don’t worry about whether you’ve got the right tools for the job. Book a handyman with Real Deal Home Services and leave it to the professionals.